
Can you pass our Financial Fitness Test?

One of a Kind Value Proposition

Unlike the vast majority of financial advisors, we emphasize our investment management services. In fact, we have every expectation of outperforming the S&P 500 over the long term — provided this index is the appropriate benchmark for the client.

While we don’t guarantee outperformance, we are sufficiently confident in our approach to make our fee contingent upon it. To our knowledge, no other financial advisor offers clients such an advantageous alignment of interests.

Six Dimensions of Wealth

We build wealth and help our clients achieve financial freedom by striving for excellence across 6 key areas:

1. Investment Returns

We aim to provide exceptional returns by focusing on long-term positions in exceptional companies and acquiring their stock at compelling valuations.

2. Tax Optimization

We maximize tax efficiency for your entire household through the intelligent use of retirement accounts, tax loss harvesting, income tax deductions, and long-term tax planning.

3. Equity Compensation

Whether you receive RSUs, ISOs, or restricted stock, we’ll create a plan designed to give you the optimal balance in terms of return, risk, liquidity, and bargaining power with your employer.

4. Financial Planning

Through holistic financial planning we develop personalized strategies to help our clients reach their financial goals and achieve financial freedom.

5. Risk Management

We protect your wealth by identifying potential risks, developing mitigation strategies and inoculating your life through insurance and investment solutions.

6. Estate Planning

We will ensure you have an estate plan that distributes your assets according to your wishes while minimizing taxes - during your life and thereafter - and providing security and peace of mind for your loved ones.

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